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Главная » 2019 » Апрель » 3 » Тема: "Профессии в СМИ", 8 класс, 2018-2019 уч. год.
8:31 PM
Тема: "Профессии в СМИ", 8 класс, 2018-2019 уч. год.

Ребята, напишите небольшое сообщение о профессии в СМИ, которая вам больше всего нравится. Объем - 10-15 предложений.

Просмотров: 507 | Добавил: i_a_romanova | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 3
1 lizochkadanilina • 3:18 PM, 04.08.2019
There are a huge number of professions in our world. When you choose your path, you need to think carefully so as not to make a mistake.
Historically, a journalist is a socially significant profession. A person receives information from open sources. For its admission, the accuracy of the responsible journalist. Not one thousand people will read an analytical conclusion on any subject of the study, and then make certain actions in life, based on this information — to develop business, plan a family, give preference to someone in the political arena. A journalist is a mediator between what is happening and the readers.
Being a journalist is interesting! Interviewing, meeting new people, learning the details of their lives – it's so exciting! Journalists make reports and publish them in print or work on television and talk about interesting events. My dream is to learn how to do my reports, leaving for this in different countries or in remote corners of our country. biggrin 
2 khitina2004 • 2:57 PM, 04.11.2019
A reporter is alogically minded, collected person who is not afraid of the difficulties that
stand in the way of getting a great story for a news release or program. For a
successful career in this profession it is very important to have a good
diction, to have a pleasant appearance. One of the most important qualities of
a reporter that will help him build a good career is a sense of healthy
curiosity. I like this profession because you are always in the center of
events and you know a lot of information. Yet this profession is suitable for
those who like to move a lot and be curious. A reporter must, on the one hand,
respond to the editorial task in a timely and disciplined manner, and on the
other hand, he must constantly be in search and selection of essential
information guides.

3 komradgerasimov2015 • 3:53 PM, 04.11.2019
Rights and Responsibilities
The job description of an advertising agent, as well as any employee, implies, besides duties, the existence of certain rights. In this case, they consist in the opportunity to become familiar with the decisions of the management regarding their own field of activity.
He can implement the necessary proposals to improve the advertising campaign and demand all possible assistance in the performance of their work duties. He has the right to all necessary information with access to relevant documentation.
He is responsible for his own activities without offenses, that is, within the framework of the law, as well as for possible material damage.
Agent work in detail
And now let's touch on his work a little more. As already mentioned, the advertising agent can prepare transactions (without the right to sign the parties) and carry out certain orders of the person whose representative is.
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